Interview with the Book Stewards

Have you heard of The Book Stewards? It’s a relatively new site, run by Teika & Tom Bellamy, dedicated to sharing helpful information with writers — whether that be editing tips, advice on prioritizing your time, or Q&As with various small...
Best of 2018 so far…

Best of 2018 so far…

So I got suckered into yet another book-related Instagram challenge (like I do), and yesterday’s prompt was the best of 2018. While I was pondering the challenge, it occurred to me that I’ve probably never read more books in the year they were published...
Q & A with artist Emily Cheeseman

Q & A with artist Emily Cheeseman

Given how much attention the vibrant cover of A Ruin of Shadows has received, it seemed high time to feature the creator of the cover art, Emily Cheeseman. Cheeseman is an artist and the author and illustrator of the comic adaptation Gawain and the Green Knight,...
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