Q & A with artist Chelsea Geter

Q & A with artist Chelsea Geter

The first time I saw the almost-done cover art for She Who Hears All Whispers, I had a big reaction. Given the comments I’ve been seeing around social media, I’m not the only one! So it felt like time to feature the artist for this striking cover, Chelsea Geter. What...

Cover Reveal: She Who Hears All Whispers

If you follow me elsewhere on social media, you’ve already seen the beautiful cover of She Who Hears All Whispers, the second book from Dancing Star Press. Written by DaVaun Sanders, author and co-editor of FIYAH Magazine of Black Speculative Fiction, SWHAW is a...

Interview with the Book Stewards

Have you heard of The Book Stewards? It’s a relatively new site, run by Teika & Tom Bellamy, dedicated to sharing helpful information with writers — whether that be editing tips, advice on prioritizing your time, or Q&As with various small...
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