Watch this space!

As this entire press is a first time endeavor, and as I am a bit of a perfectionist, it’s entirely possible that I’ve been excessively conservative, but I think it’s finally time to tell you something. The first book is coming. Like, this spring....

Checking in

Hello, all! It has been far too long since I have posted or updated here. Between eclipse madness, back to school whatever, and a wicked oral surgery (41 is too old to get your wisdom teeth out, people. Get them out when you’re young.) — it’s been...

More Hard Biology Science Fiction

So, like I mentioned in my previous post, I did a fair bit of searching around looking for hard science fiction books that focused on biology, and it was a bit of a slog. But I’ve come up with a short list to add to my (and your?) to-read list: The Color of...
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