
Dancing Star Press is seeking submissions of speculative fiction novellas.

What makes a work a novella? A novella allows for more world and character building than a short story, but usually centers around a single conflict, unlike a novel. They can be divided into chapters, but usually not. A novella should encourage reading in a single sitting.

As far as word counts, novellas should be between 17,500 and 40,000 words in length. PLEASE include the word count of your work in your email.

Who reviews the submission? Dancing Star Press is currently a one-woman operation. Hi. I’m Jen.

What am I looking for? I want to publish queerer weirder softer ragier hopier anarchier lovelier transier resistier indigenousier earth-lovingier resiliencier justicier LESS WHITE stories. I love both fantasy and science fiction, but tend to be pretty picky about horror.

Please no:

  • Splatterpunk
  • Graphic depictions of rape or sexual assault
  • Needless brutalization of women and children
  • Depictions of brutalization or abuse of people with disabilities
  • Graphic abuse of animals

I am not currently interested in works that are a part of a series, but works that are a part of a shared universe are okay.

I am not looking for young adult, middle grade, or children’s works at this time.

I am not interested in publishing works created in whole or in part with generative AI. If I unknowingly accept an AI-generated manuscript for publication, I reserve the right to remove that title from publication at any time. 

Please submit only one manuscript at a time.

I currently have one reading period planned for 2025:
April 1 – June 30

To submit:

  • Email a copy of your completed manuscript in .pdf form only to Submissions in any other file format will not be considered.
  • In the email, please include a short biographical statement including publishing history and the word count of your manuscript.

What happens after submission?

  • I generally email confirming the receipt of your submission within a week.
  • I do my best to let you know whether or not I am interested in publishing your submission within six weeks.
  • Royalties are based on 30% of gross profits for paperback sales, and 50% of gross profits for ebooks. Dancing Star Press does not charge reading fees or require its authors to purchase copies as a condition for publication, nor require its authors to shoulder any part of the cost of publication.
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